
Back Again: My Posts And The White Stuff As Well

After another extended hiatus, I've decided to return. I only return because I feel I have more to discuss with the world and hope someone is out there listening. Today's subject, the evil that is the llello.

In the past few months, I've noticed a sharp incline in the usage of cocaine among, especially, younger Americans. Though I'm unsure as to what led to such an increase, I know it is a problem that needs to be recognised by the general public soon. It seems as though everyone is ignoring the issue, either because they choose not to acknowledge it, or simply because they just don't know it's happening behind their backs. Well it's just about time that something is done, and I'm just here to bring the message to the masses.

Now to elaborate upon my personal experience with the drug. While I, myself, have never tried, nor ever wanted to try, the drug, I currently know at least three of my friends are using cocaine. How do I feel about it? Well, if it has the possibility to end my stint in my band, to end a friendship, or to never see someone again, I must say that I don't like it at all. Being that they all mix it with alcohol, which creates an even more dangerous and deadly chemical called cocaethylene, I feel as though the issue needs to be dealt with more quickly...not only because I don't want to lose my friends, but also because I don't want to see so many lives ruined, and possibly ended, because of a drug.

While authorities are out there arresting people for smoking marijuana and sending them to jail for years, or harassing skateboarders for doing what I consider to be a sport, the cocaine epidemic is being seemingly ignored. How can everyone be so blind? Is it the memories of the glamorous 80's? The days of oil industry coke parties? Though it was once the drug of choice for the white collar hipsters, it has become the same for the ill-informed youth of America. The so-called war on drugs is being completely pushed aside and directed toward the wrong people. We can only sit here, doing what we can to inform the people, hoping that we can one day work together to actually do something about it. Until then...we wait...

[Let me know what you think. Want to hear my rant about a certain issue? Post it in the comments!]


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All you can do is try and save your friends from the drug. Drugs will be around forever and people will always do them. I to have never tried coke and never will because I dont want to be a dumbass anymore than I already am and as we know it does nothing more than make you stupid.